January 2021 Academic & Specialist Anthem Press

Anthem Studies in Bibliotherapy and Well-Being

Rethinking Therapeutic Reading: Lessons from Seneca, Montaigne, Wordsworth and George Eliot Kelda Green, foreword by Michael Wood

Anthem Studies in Bibliotherapy and Well-Being

Rethinking Therapeutic Reading: Lessons from Seneca, Montaigne, Wordsworth and George Eliot
Kelda Green, foreword by Michael Wood

Paperback | Apr 2022 | Anthem Press | 9781839985317 | 208pp | 228x152mm | RFB | AUD$40.00, NZD$44.99
Hardback | Jun 2020 | Anthem Press | 9781785273810 | 208pp | 228x152mm | RFB | AUD$125.00, NZD$190.00

Through a combination of literary criticism and experimental psychology, Rethinking Therapeutic Reading reconsiders the role that serious literary reading might play in the real world, reclaiming literature as a vital tool for dealing with human troubles.

Rethinking Therapeutic Reading uses a combination of literary criticism and experimental psychology to examine the ways in which literature can create therapeutic spaces for personal thinking. It reconsiders the role that serious literary reading might play in the real world, reclaiming literature as a vital tool for dealing with human troubles.