Theatre: Theory – Practice – Performance

Witness onstage: Documentary theatre in twenty-first-century Russia
Molly Flynn, series edited by Maggie B. Gale

Paperback | Jun 2022 | Manchester University Press | 9781526165862 | 200pp | 216x138mm | RFB | AUD$44.99, NZD$49.99
Hardback | Oct 2019 | Manchester University Press | 9781526126191 | 200pp | 216x138mm | GEN | AUD$183.99, NZD$167.55

Witness Onstage is a detailed study of the remarkable growth of documentary theatre forms in Russian since the early 2000s. It draws on the author's work as a performer, producer, and researcher of documentary theatre both in Russia and internationally to provide new perspective on the mechanics of theatre as a venue for civic engagement. -- .