January 2021 Academic & Specialist Anthem Press

Anthem Studies in South Asian Literature, Aesthetics and Culture

Poetry and Freedom: Discoveries in Aesthetics, 1985–2018: Discoveries in Aesthetics, 1985-2018 Paul Oppenheimer

Anthem Studies in South Asian Literature, Aesthetics and Culture

Poetry and Freedom: Discoveries in Aesthetics, 1985–2018: Discoveries in Aesthetics, 1985-2018
Paul Oppenheimer

Hardback | Mar 2020 | Anthem Press | 9781785272974 | 224pp | 228x152mm | RFB | AUD$125.00, NZD$190.00

This book offers a ground-breaking exploration of the aesthetics of poetic freedom. 

The range is broad, from antiquity to the present and from Europe and the Middle East into the poetry of the English-speaking world. Revealing questions about the elusiveness of poetic freedom – what does the term actually mean? – are repeatedly tested against the accomplishments of major poets such as Whitman, Dickinson, Rilke, Dante and Virgil, and their public yet intensely private originality. The result is a fresh, and well-nigh revolutionary, way of seeing literary and modern history, or an initiation into the more striking gift of aesthetic freedom.