Minimal: For Simple and Sustainable Living
Stéphanie Mandréa, Laurie Barrette, translated by J. C. Sutcliffe

Hardback (B402) | Jun 2021 | Ambrosia | 9781487009434 | 240pp | 228x165mm | GEN | AUD$39.99, NZD$44.99

A stylish and inspiring guide for living a happier life in balance with the natural world.

Minimal: For Simple and Sustainable Living offers readers inspiration and tools to embrace simple living and create meaningful, lasting change in their lives. From advice on home decorating and decluttering, easy-to-follow recipes for making your own cosmetics and cleaning products, and tips for shopping sustainably, composting, and restoring old furniture, Minimal provides a host of small but powerful ways to live a more balanced life while being good to the planet.